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Welcome to the training and tutorial section of the Open Energy Platform (OEP). We have created a series of training courses, tutorials and an FAQ which provide various material on how to interact with Open Energy Platform (OEP).

The OEP is a web-interface for things related research data management in climate and energy systems modelling. On the OEP, researchers can publish data including FAIR metadata and thus contribute to increasing transparency and interoperability of their research. The functionalities the OEP offers help deliver the research data management lifecycle.

To get familiar with research data management in general, we recommend to visit this interactive and comprehensive course Research Data Management by University of Oldenburg, Center for Lifelong Learning, Digitalisierte Energiesysteme, funded by Energie-Forschungszentrum Niedersachsen and supported by nfdi4energy and Zentrum für digitale Innovationen Niedersachsen.

Please use the navigation bar on top of the page to navigate through the different training materials we provide. These are:


Courses are training materials which are typically a longer read covering a topic, for example you can learn on how to get started with the OEP. We recommend visiting courses as an entrypoint for your work with the Open Energy Platform. A course typically consists of a main text and a collection of several tutorials as well as other learning materials, so you can choose which of the materials fits best to your needs.


Browse our single topic tutorials. This is your destination if you are interested in a specific task at hand that you want to solve quickly, for example how to upload data to the OEP using the API.


Browse short questions. Here we shortly answer some urgent questions that you may have. The answers may include links to further reading.