OEO Ontology

Overview / Open Energy Ontology / Class - manufactured coal based gas
Label: manufactured coal based gas

A manufactured coal based gas is a gas mixture that is manufactured from coal. It is used as fossil fuel.

Sub classes:
Blast furnace gas is manufactured coal based gas produced during the combustion of coke in blast furnaces in the iron and steel industry. It is recovered and used as a fuel partly within the plant and partly in other steel industry processes or in power stations equipped to burn it. The quantity of fuel should be reported on a gross calorific value basis.

Coke oven gas is manufactured coal based gas obtained as a by-product of the manufacture of coke oven coke for the production of iron and steel.

Gasworks gas is manufactured coal based gas that covers all types of gases produced in public utility or private plants, whose main purpose is manufacture, transport and distribution of gas. It includes gas produced by carbonisation (including gas produced by coke ovens and transferred to gasworks gas), by total gasification with or without enrichment with oil products (LPG, residual fuel oil, etc.), and by reforming and simple mixing of gases and/or air, reported under the rows ‘from other sources’. Under the transformation sector identify amounts of gasworks gas transferred to blended natural gas which will be distributed and consumed through the natural gas grid. The production of other coal gases (i.e. coke oven gas, blast furnace gas and oxygen steel furnace gas) should be reported in the columns concerning such gases, and not as production of gasworks gas. The coal gases transferred to gasworks plants should then be reported (in their own column) in the transformation sector in the gasworks plants row. The total amount of gasworks gas resulting from transfers of other coal gases should appear in the production line for gasworks gas.

Back to the super classes:
A gas mixture is a portion of matter that is a composition of different kinds of portions of matter and that has a gaseous normal state of matter.