Model Factsheet

Overview / EnergyPLAN (EnergyPLAN)
Name EnergyPLAN
Acronym EnergyPLAN
Methodical Focus None
Institution(s) Aalborg University
Author(s) (institution, working field, active time period)
Current contact person Aira Hast
Contact (e-mail)
Primary Purpose Assists the design of national or regional energy planning strategies on the basis of technical and economic analyses of the consequences of implementing different energy systems and investments
Primary Outputs Energy balances and resulting annual productions, fuel consumption, import/export of electricity, and total costs including income from the exchange of electricity
Support / Community / Forum
Link to User Documentation -
Link to Developer/Code Documentation -
Documentation quality expandable
Source of funding -
Number of developers -
Number of users -
Open Source
Planned to open up in the future
Costs -
Modelling software Delphi; Pascal
Internal data processing software
External optimizer
Additional software
Modeled energy sectors (final energy) electricity, heat
Modeled demand sectors -
Modeled technologies: components for power generation or conversion
Renewables -
Conventional -
Modeled technologies: components for transfer, infrastructure or grid
Electricity -
Gas -
Heat -
Properties electrical grid -
Modeled technologies: components for storage battery, heat, gas
User behaviour and demand side management
Changes in efficiency
Market models -
Geographical coverage
Geographic (spatial) resolution national states, municipalities, Town, group of countries
Time resolution hour
Comment on geographic (spatial) resolution
Observation period 1 year
Additional dimensions (sector) -
Model class (optimisation) -
Model class (simulation) -
Short description of mathematical model class
Mathematical objective -
Approach to uncertainty -
Suited for many scenarios / monte-carlo
typical computation time less than a minute
Typical computation hardware RAM, CPU
Technical data anchored in the model -
Model file format .txt
Input data file format .txt
Output data file format .xls
Integration with other models
Integration of other models
Citation reference -
Citation DOI -
Reference Studies/Models -
Example research questions -
Model usage -
Model validation -
Example research questions -
further properties
Model specific properties -


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Electricity REEEM